How to Create Klaviyo Popups & Sign Up Forms With High Conversion Rates to Grow Your Email & SMS Lists
How to Create Klaviyo Popups & Sign Up Forms With High Conversion Rates to Grow Your Email & SMS Lists
A well designed email and SMS marketing strategy for any Ecommerce brand will always require a fresh supply of new incoming subscribers to reach it's full potential. If you're using Klaviyo to run email and SMS as we recommend most brands do, then you have an effective list building tool built right in to your Klaviyo account dashboard to convert as many website visitors to email and SMS subscribers as possible.
The Klaviyo forms and popups functionality has improved considerably over the last year and is now comparable to some other competing lead capture tools on the market. In this quick guide we'll show you how to build high converting Klaviyo sign up forms and popups in less that 30 minutes so you're able to quickly and effectively grow your email and SMS lists.
When you're finished reading, be sure to check out our in-depth Klaviyo email and SMS course to unlock all of our very best Klaviyo strategies and truly get the most out of the platform for your brand.
Now let's get into it. You can either read on or watch the video version of this tutorial below. The video version is more detailed, just FYI.
Firstly, Should You Use Klaviyo's Built in Sign up Forms and Popups?
The Klaviyo list building toolset is a fine solution for many brands but does not offer the level of customization available in competitors such as JustUno or Optimonk. However, most brands can get great results with the Klaviyo solution.
We usually recommend getting started using the built-in Klaviyo tool, then testing out another more advanced third party option if you want to try out other forms of on-site messaging or build more intricate popups.
In this guide we'll be focusing on using the Klaviyo popup builder only, and getting a basic but effective campaign up and running quickly. It is worth noting that Klaviyo also supports embedded forms which you can use on a dedicated landing page, or inside content pieces such as pop ups.
Recommended Klaviyo Pop Up User Flow for High Conversions
As a starting point we suggest brands build a two-step popup using the Klaviyo sign up form tool which collects an email address on the first step, then an optional SMS number on the second step.
This gives you the highest chance of capturing the largest overall number of subscribers for both email and SMS on both desktop and mobile devices in our experience. A unique coupon code is then presented on the popup confirmation page, as well as being sent in a welcome email.
You can see the basic structure of how this looks below in the graphic.
This isn't the world's most gorgeous popup campaign, but it can be setup in just a few minutes and will do a good job of building email and SMS lists effectively for a brand which has solid levels of website traffic and wants to put something simple but effective in place.
The video version of this guide also shows how this simple campaign was built inside of Klaviyo.
So why the two-step configuration?
Asking for the email address only in the first step of the popup will almost always convert at a higher rate than also asking for an SMS number straight away. Even if the SMS field is optional, many users will just see the two fields on your popup (email and SMS) and assume they need to give both pieces of contact information.
We don't want to lose potential email subscribers because some people are put off by thinking a phone number is needed to get your welcome offer. Even though SMS is becoming more popular and is incredibly effective, many users are still not comfortable giving their SMS number to a new website or brand they're not familiar with. Email marketing is still king!
So with this in mind: Ask for the email address in step 1 - then the SMS (optional) in step 2 - then give the user a unique coupon. As shown below.
The only compulsory step in this process is the email signup. Once a user has submitted an email address they can choose to also enter an SMS number, or click the 'No, I don't want texts' button. Both actions will take them to the final screen of the popup where they'll see a coupon code.
We highly recommend using unique coupon codes on the final step on your signup forms. If you're using Klaviyo with your Shopify store together you can create a set of unique codes for your store right inside the Klaviyo popup builder. In the image above on the right hand side where you see 'welcome-PREVIEW' that is actually a placeholder for the user's personal coupon code. This section will be dynamically populated for each person so they can click/tap to copy their own individual coupon.
You'll of course want to send this same coupon in a welcome email - this happens via your Klaviyo welcome flow. And also via SMS if they submit a cell number and give SMS permissions.
Klaviyo Popup Design Tip:
Try to keep your Klaviyo sign up form designs as simple as possible. On-brand but uncluttered is the look to go for. A simple background image with text that contrasts tends to work well. Also keep the amount of information you ask for to a minimum. Requiring additional fields such as a user's name, date of birth, or anything like that is unnecessary in the vast number of cases and will significantly reduce your conversions rates.
Most brands find that asking for just an email and SMS number in two separate steps is the best option for building both of your lists while also maintaining high conversion rates. Popups don't need to look like a work of art to convert extremely well.
Klaviyo Sign Up Form Targeting & Settings
As you'll see in the video we recommend using simple targeting options for Klaviyo email and SMS popups which strike a balance between maintaining a good user experience/customer journey, and having high conversion rates for maximum list growth.
Here are some good popup trigger starting points for a regular discount offer giving users a percentage or fixed monetary discount on their first order:
Exit intent trigger (for desktop)
Timer delay, 10-20 seconds (desktop and mobile)
50% page scroll (desktop and mobile)
Exclude transactional pages such as the cart, checkout, order confirmation, and shipping/customer service pages.
Don't show the popup to anyone who closes it for at least another 5 days
Exclude existing Klaviyo profiles. These people are already on one of your lists.
These trigger and targeting settings are further explained and demonstrated in the video version of this Klaviyo popups guide. All of these settings can be configured on the same screen in the Targeting and Behavior section of the popup builder.
Conversion Rates for Popup Form Campaigns in Klaviyo
Conversion rates do vary a lot between brands and markets. However, an overall conversion rate between 7-10% is good in most situations assuming you're using a fairly standard offer in your popup such as 10% off or $20 off the first order, with just an email address required in the first step.
A stronger offer will of course increase the sign up form conversion rate.
There is robust A/B testing functionality built in to the Klaviyo dashboard popup tool so be sure to utilize that and test different offers, different designs/layouts, and different messaging to get as close to the 10% conversion rate as you can. Increasing your popup conversions is a powerful level to pull because it directly impacts how quickly your overall email and SMS lists grow.
Finally, there is a lot more than basic popup campaigns which goes into crafting the most effective list building strategy possible for your Ecommerce brand.
To get all of the advanced strategies and ensure you're truly getting the most our of Klaviyo check out our advanced Klaviyo course or book a time to speak with our agency/consulting team. We'll help turn as many of your site visitors as possible into new potential customer leads, then nurture subscribers in an authentic and effective way using the latest best practices.
All this of course means more leads, more sales, and a greater ROI on all of your other marketing activities - regardless of the channel.
By Ryan Turner
founder of ecommerce intelligence
Ryan is a 10+ year Ecommerce growth expert and the founder of Ecommerce Intelligence. He currently leads the strategy here and helps our team get the most out of the email and SMS marketing channels for the brands we help.